Jam on Toast? A Menopause Coach’s guide to proper nutrition for Perimenopause and Menopause.

Feb 21, 2024 | blog

Jam on toast is such a typical South African breakfast. It is the only breakfast my mother eats, and my grandmother before her, and I’m sure my sisters, my aunts, and probably yours do too. My mother is very particular; it must be Apricot jam on two slices of buttered brown toast, with a cup of Five Roses tea made just so! She may have a fried egg or two on the odd occasion, but generally, nothing comes close to her Jam on Toast.

This staple breakfast appears in most South African homes and no doubt across the world. But why is it not the best breakfast choice for a woman in perimenopause or menopause? After all, women have been eating Jam on Toast for generations, why change this now?

As women navigate through perimenopause, menopause and into their post-menopausal years, most health coaches will tell you that nutrition and mindset come first. There is ample evidence that shows that one’s dietary choices play a crucial role in managing hormonal imbalance, as well as supporting overall health and well-being.

While jam on toast may seem like a quick and convenient breakfast option, especially during busy mornings, this meal choice is not ideal for women experiencing perimenopause.

And here’s why:

  1. Its high sugar content: A breakfast laden with sugar can contribute to blood sugar spikes and crashes. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can worsen symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, and hot flashes, which are already common during perimenopause.
  2. Loaded with empty calories: Jam and ordinary sandwich bread provide little nutritional value. Eating a diet that is heavy on processed carbohydrates and sugars not only disrupts the blood sugar balance but can also leave you feeling hungry again soon after eating. This leads to overeating or unhealthy snacking later in the day, as your body fights to achieve its natural balance, craving the nutrition that it needs to keep hormones working in sync, leading to a vicious cycle and weight gain. During menopause, it’s essential to focus on nutrient-dense foods that provide the vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs to support hormonal balance and overall health.
  3. Causes potential weight gain: Excess sugar consumption, coupled with simple carbohydrates, can contribute to inflammation in the body as well as weight gain (especially around the abdomen), joint pain, and fatigue. Opting for a breakfast option higher in protein and fiber can help promote satiety and support weight management goals.
  4. Contains inflammatory ingredients: Processed foods contain additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that may contribute to inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various health issues, including heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers. Choosing whole, minimally processed foods over processed and sugary options can help reduce inflammation and support overall health during menopause.

Instead, kick off your day with a protein-rich breakfast, such as a smoothie, which makes for the ideal start to the day. It not only provides sustained energy and satiety, but it’s also a great way to front-load your veggies, fiber, and protein. I usually pack my morning smoothie with good sources of protein like milk, Greek yoghurt and cottage cheese, fiber from chickpeas, lentils or beans, veggies such as spinach or kale, frozen blueberries, a dash of cinnamon for extra blood sugar control, and ginger for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember to listen to your body’s cues and make choices that nourish and support you through menopause and beyond. And when you get that craving for Jam on Toast, make sure it’s an accompaniment to one of the healthier choices instead of the main show.

If you’re struggling with Perimenopause weight gain, and nothing seems to work, why not consider signing up for my ‘’Make Menopause Magical’’ Program*? This 90-day coaching program will take you through the ins and outs of Menopause, from what hormones are impacted, and what simple strategies you can incorporate into your daily life, to nutrition guides and recipes to support you on your journey to weight loss and good health. Along with one-on-one coaching with me, your own Menopause Mentor, you’ll be on your way to Living your Joyful Life.

*The program is also available in a self-study pack, where you will receive weekly updates, exercises to complete, and additional resources over 4 weeks.

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